Hottest technology trends, In Darija!

GeeksBlaBla is a community initiative, to discuss, highlight and share the latest IT topics in Moroccan Darija.




Minutes of Blabla



MSS Episodes

In Moroccan Success Story episodes, we invite a Moroccan icon in the IT and related fields, to share their experiences, lessons learned and knowledge with the Moroccan community.

Tech Episodes

An open, deep dive discussion around anything and everything related to programming & software engineering, Tech and everything in between.

Top episodes

AI-Powered Tools & The Future Of Software

In this episode of GeeksBlabla, we discuss new AI-powered tools such us ChatGPT, Github Copilot…

Clean Code

In this episode, we review one of the most famous books in IT; we discuss the "Clean code" book. We…

UX/UI for the rest of us

In this special episode, We invite our UX/UI designer community friends to Talk about designer…

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